We Used to Fly Kites

Remember that time we
Counted to ten to see if the
Bogeymen would find us?
Well mine found me, at the

Corner of the street where we
Used to fly kites and pass the
Time talking about the future.
It all seems so bleak now, a

Raincloud over my head drenching
Me from above, I’d love to hear
Your voice and soothing tones but
After that day you left me alone, left

Me to my own devices and I didn’t
Fight it. I figured alone is where I
Was supposed to be and it took me
Weeks to drag myself to my feet again,

But, I regained my balance, like you used
To on skateboard and I removed the
Sword I fell on from my chest, but, I think
It took my heart too and it made me think
Of you and your gap tooth dreams.

Don’t Run In My House

It’s time to admit defeat,
You’ve scarred your feet
Running yourself ragged,
You’re haggard and weak,

Need water and sleep, stop
Torturing yourself and beating
The cool pallor crystal skin
Stop beginning again, the starting

Line isn’t some kind of prize its
Dangerous, especially in moonlight,
Come inside, off to bed or soon
There will be nothing left, I’ve
Got you friend, I’ve got you friend.

Radio Head

Give up. The voice inside my head is a
Radio. Crackled and full of black, there
Is no going back now. I drive, through
Back country road, where tulips grow
I used to pick them with my grandmother,
There is no other path to take, past old

Friends’ houses, the nights spent awake
Pondering the existence of everything,
The car zooms past the beach, wet
Feet and jellyfish keeping me at bay, the
Water would wash away time, a new
Baptism but mine had happened at three

Days old, soft soul music thrumming from
The CD player, the songs I’d saved for later
Cropping up in the airwaves, once my favourite
Chewing gum, I don’t chew gum anymore,
My arms are sore from holding onto the
Steering wheel, I drive past fields where

Cows used to graze, they’re so empty these
Days, the seat belt glides cuttingly across my
Torso keeping me wrapped in the seat, my feet
Hard on the accelerator, screw those songs for
Later. Screw later.

The Coalmine

Follow the light. The light?
Is this the force that shines?
The clairvoyant bribe from God,
Or is it fire? Red hot coal hands

Cradling children to the man of
Embers, a fiery temper and wicked
Ways. Is it in the stars or the home
Of the brave, the people saved? I

Cannot find it, this light. Newer tunnels
Have electrical light, man-made light,
Home brewed brightness, is this light?
The Light? Your Light? I can’t cast it from

My mind, your commandment number eleven
Overshadowed by its predecessors,
Professors preach you are not real
Their hearts beat of steel, empty echoes

In a lecture theater, if peeled away is it
Inside? Pulsating wonderful rays of discovery,
Why won’t you answer me? I can’t find it,
Is it gone? Am I right? What do I follow now,
If there is no light?


They say communication saves lives,
I’ve tried, but when the abuse is hurtled
At 60 km per hour, and every syllable I
Speak falls silent under yours, I’m torn.

Your raised us thinking terror was the
Norm and when me, the third born, came
Around brother and sister were already
Damaged. Quiet and reserved. They didn’t

Deserve that. They didn’t deserve this.
Every day back then was a new apocalypse,
Survival of the fittest and we were pitted
Against each other under your reign of

Spit and slur, mother never opened her
Mouth, never voiced an opinion because
Really what was it worth? He doesn’t listen
To me, she abandoned us at sea when the

Waves got too high and our breaths caught
In our throats, don’t touch me, don’t love
Me, don’t talk, I used to wish for that green
Stalk stretching up high to the heavens, I

Would climb until I found a new world where
Words had value and life had mirth, where
Spilled milk and broken vases were regarded
With hushed affirmations that the world didn’t

End, where a mother was loving and a father was
A friend, no dictatorship. The only one who listens
Is in a glass room and if I speak too loudly it shatters
And booms a new kind of problem, they will hear me

Here, tears are ignored and ignorance is dangerous,
People do things for the hell of it but we’ve always
Been an over-calculating kind, reared by poisoned minds
Never care free and safe, trapped by children’s gates and

Feeble forms, you raised us thinking terror was the norm
We’d lock down door and emotion to keep it out, and
Every day we would hear the shouts, vile words always
Rhymed in verse and hold ourselves close because no one
Else ever would.


I reported battery of the psyche
But no one would believe me,
Words, they said, don’t sting when
Hurled from paternal instinct, how

Would they feel if I hurled myself from
The chimney top, if I set the clock on
Count down, they say, don’t be absurd,
Attention seekers follow the herd and I’m just

Another sheep. I can’t sleep. My brain has
Been violated with verbal slurs, self-worth
Sees a therapist, I am irrelevant, they had
Me for the hell of it, accident. Abomination.

I ruined the walls of this home with infants
Hands, I ruined the floors of this home with
Broken landings, I ruined lives with simply being
Here. Enough, crocodile tears. I reported battery

Of the psyche but no one would believe me.
Incidents need investigation, the detective is
My father’s childhood friend, files have fallen
Into the shredder, this case is at an end, I pack

My suitcase in the night and steal car keys from
The display, I never learned to drive but I have to
Get away, my mother is passed out on the couch,
The image of a survivor chipped away, I cannot stay
In these toxic rooms, I reported battery of the psyche

 There’s nothing we can do.


Cruel Life

Reach into your inner depths and
Pull the cord that snapped inside
Ravaged by pain and crime, white
Lines and murals of your corporal

Forms, softly tendrils tumble and
Climb to the surface of the earth
Breaking free of misconceptions, a
New kind of birth where the blood

Is metal on your tongue and there
Was no safety to begin with, suture
Up the jagged edges and feel the
Weeping of the past smother the

Present and future tense, the violins
Are playing sad songs, the monotone
Of your life, ripe with rejection and
Refusal to accept what has been-this

Is the real disease, flowing through
Your shredded veins these mindless
Games and bitter truths, cruel life
Is trying to make a man out of you.

The Terrible Two

It stalks forwards through
Darkness and fog, it’s very
Essence corrupt and wrong,
Paranoia and fear stand side

By side and wait in line for
Violent games and counted
Scores, desperate to leech
More safety from the hearts

Of people, unaware the very
Air they breathe in is toxic,
Until it’s too late, these games,
They’ve lost them, crackling

Laughter overhead as the
Heavens pour truth to the
Earth, just desserts, and all
The while they walk together,

Dark figures amongst the calm,
Wreaking havoc and slamming
Open doors in their wake, make
No mistake they are unstoppable,

Forces of power and might, shrink
In their presence, reel in the sight
Of such beings, they’re coming now
For those who don’t belief in them

To crush wishful thinking in their
Skeletal hands, and raise their
Bands of brothers from sleep,
War, Famine, Defeat, marching

To the beat of reality, in empty,
Forests and polluted seas, leaving
Behind memories of their travels,
Catching us in their grasps, unravelling

Rhyme and reason until our ribcages
Snap under the weight of heavy hearts,
They’ve left a head start of 30 odd paces
So run fast, run strong, you might yet make it.

Paranoia and Fear

The earth flies behind my feet
Heartbeat, beating fast, too
Fast, I’m the last one left in
This trial, jaws at my heels all
The while I run I feel their breath
On my neck, looking over my

Shoulder I check for shadows
Amongst light but the sun left
A long time ago, frost bitten
Branches catching my clothes,
They are close, pupils like planets
Scanning these lands, shaking hands

Scaling rotting bark, alone and helpless
In the dark, their footsteps echoing in
These woods, dangerously, I should
Keep pace and abandon shelter,
Darting directly into their path,
Red eyes and wicked smiles ask

My soul for surrender and quickly
Round these hundred miles into eternity
There is no escape for me, they are
Machines and are unafraid of endless
Games, lame and wounded I carry on,
Listening to the dulcet tones, songs

Of crushing fear, tears stream down
Rivers nearby and I fall into the battering
Waves, struggling for power there is
No one to blame for the weakness of
These brittle bones, they lift me high
And take me home, fingers asphyxiated

Around my throat, rising terrible notes
Screech through the silence, I am
Blinded by the undeniable clear picture
They are here, at banks edge, waiting
To sink their claws in again, I dive to the
Bottom and plead for an end but their

Holds are too strong, and bring me back
To where I belong, under attack by the
Demons with no face, and for now, we


Same Pain

It hurts. I thought it wouldn’t hurt.
Thought that with time everything
Shifts. This thing, it didn’t. I’m bleeding
Blood red all over the floors. I don’t feel

Human anymore. It hurts. What kind of
Just deserts is this? Clenched fists and
Broken teeth. What about the in-between
I’ve heard so fondly regarded. Its left its

Mark now all over my skin. Begin. Begin
Again? I’ve run circles through the starting
Line. Torn limb from limb my soul like a
Tattered flag. I lag behind. Are you surprised?

It hurts. Blurted out promises chasing me down.
Half smiles. Half frowns. I’m not proud of my
Legacy. Probability was never on my side.
Divine? I was never religious. Is this it?

Punishment? It hurts. I thought it wouldn’t hurt.